As I wrap up the second quarter and begin a new year, I am left with a long reflection over how the year went. To think that at the start of 2021, I was learning how to model a something more than a cube. Now I am making 3d video games with real objectives! For the sake of time, I won't reminisce 2021, but I will tell you all that I learn this quarter.
To start off, we began the second quarte learning the basics of the Unity Game Engine. There was a online course we had to take, which taught us all we needed to know. After a week of watching videos, we then took our new knowledge and applied it to the real world. That's right! We made our exploration game to explore and apply unity basics. In my previous blog post I talked about the exploration game that was in progress. The good news is that it is complete and I believe I did the best I could given my current knowledge. So I have an idea of how unity works. The only thing that frustrates me is that I want to do more than I know. I am anxious to learn new things about unity so I can make complex games. Only patience can help.
For the second part of the quarter, I spent my time going over the pre-production phase in game design. The concept is nothing new to me, however I did learn about some specific steps and document. These include storyboards, pitches, and game design documents(GDD). All have there unique properties, and all are important to the success of a game. I am currently working a GDD. A GDD is a document that outlines all the possible properties and goals of the game. If it's not in the GDD, it's most likely not in the game.
These are the two main areas I focused on this quarter, and I am excited for what's next. I know for the third quarter I will be focusing on making a complex game, with even more unity knowledge.
-Brief Reflection of Q2