So I have decided to do a review for a game called Among Us. This game as gain some serious popularity these past few months. For those who don’t know who the game Among Us. This game is a online multiplayer game similar to Mafia of Clue. You and a max of 9
other players are put into 1 of 3 maps. More about the maps later on. At the start of the game you are assigned a role: imposter or crew mate. If you are a crewmate your job is to complete the series of tasks your given OR vote of all imposters. If you are a imposter your job is to eliminate the crewmates. As an imposter you have the option to sabotage certain parts of the map, as well as vent. When you sabotage an area, the crewmates must fix it, so it can be a great diversion. Venting is used to traverse the map quicker but beware if someone catches you your cover is blown. As I mentioned before the imposter’s job is to eliminate crewmates. There is is a kill button that imposters have. When an imposter get close enough to a crew mate they can kill that crew mate. When a crewmate is kill there body falls and the become a ghost. Ghost cannot communicate with crewmates, all they can do is complete tasks. As for the body that has fallen to the ground, it’s stay there until a crew mate comes across it and reports it. Once a body is reported you and everyone else is enter into a chat. In the chat people discuss who the imposter might be. At the end of the discussion a vote is held. Three things can happen with the vote. A tie may occur and no one gets voted off, a skip may occur and no one gets voted off, or enough people vote one person and they are voted off. If you are voted off you automatically become a ghost no matter your role. It is important to note that imposter ghost can still sabotage.
Now this game is has some really interesting elements. Starting with network features I give a 3/5. I love the option to join a public or private game, or host a game. Unfortunately this games servers are not the best and I often get booted from a game. So often that I mention I this review. To those who are new, prepare to be randomly booted from games at random times. Moving on to audio effects, I give this area a 5/5. There is no part of the game lacking sound which is great. Additionally the sounds used are really unique. Next we have the visual animations. Along with the audio effects I rate this area of the game a 5/5. Animations are smooth and movements are not too crazy. Visual pieces are not over-complicate. Next is accessibility and I will rate this a 2/5. Only recently have they updated their game to compensate for color-blind people. Thats the only accessibility option present. Overall I give this game a 4/5. It is extremely fun to play especially with friends. I wished there were better servers. You know servers that dont get hacked with someone threatening to hack you if you dont support Donald Trump. Besides the network issues this game is well designed.
-Among is review