So I have continued to work in 3ds Max for these past couple of weeks. I will be working in 3ds Max for the rest of the school year most likely so the next blog posts I do will all be related. Anyways I have learned quite a few tricks apart from what we are learning in class. Most of the things I learned are modifier-related, but there are some things I learned about materials.
So I will discuss modifiers in this blog post. One of the coolest modifiers I have come across is hair and fur. As you might of guessed, this modifier applies hair/fur to your object. There are so many settings for this modifiers it’s crazy. To name a few, scale, presets, tip and root width, material parameters. That’s just a few. Im not an expert at this modifier but I know enough to do what I need to do. Right now I am using it to create a grassy plane. Yeah, you can use it to make grass too. One of the things you have to be careful about is the amounti of blades you put in. The more blades, the more realistic it looks but that comes with longer rendering times. Another interesting modifier I have come across is the Turbosmooth modifier. The Turbosmooth modifie smooths the mesh of your object. What this modifier does is not as interesting as what other things you can do to get the exact same effect as the modifier. If you are in the sub object mode of an object you can apply a mesh smooth modifier which to me
gives a similar effect to the Turbosmoot. In addition to the mesh smooth, you can use NURBS subdivision to get a smooth object. I’m not sure if there is a difference in the different methods but I find it interesting how they provide similar results. The last modifier I want to talk about is the UVW mapping modifier. This modifier can be used to apply materials in a certain way. An example would be if you have a cube and you apply the UVW map modifier, and then adjust it so that the material is applied cubically. I’m not an expert at this modifier but when I do get good at it it will be very helpful.
-Interesting modifiers I learned about