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Junior Programmer Certified!

Adrien J.

Hi there! I just finished my junior programmer course through unity learn and I feel much better about coding in c-sharp. Beforehand I was a little nervous that I would not be able to grasp the complicated concepts, but now I have a better understanding.

From just a few weeks of coding I now know the process behind coding and what basic terms mean. For instance, public defines references a variable that can go outside the script. Private only works within the script. Just these two sentences can help you go a long way. I typically find public to be useful when you want to play your game and see how your code functions. Rather than editing your script, you can tweak your variable within unity, making life easier. Once you have set values, you can change it to private for organization purposes. That's just public and private.

There are many cool and interesting tools that I have learned in the visual studio program. Using Vector3 I can move options. Using the "if" option I can create conditional scenarios. I can set up an array to have a unity select from a series of game objects. Overall my understanding in C-sharp has greatly improved. While I may not feel ready to create and entire game, I do believe that I would be able to set up some basic mechanics. I also can research what I don't know and have some understanding of what I find. Atlas while I may only finished the first junior programmer course, I feel it was worth the trouble.

There was an issue uploading game to Unity Play.

-Public and Private



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