I have just completed the second course of junior programmer in unity learn. While it took a little longer to complete, the information provided was extremely helpful. I spent several weeks creating a variety a games. Here is some of the things I learned.
A major tool I learned about in the C-sharp programming world is physics. Physics can be applied to different objects. They do exactly what they sound like. They apply certain physics, or laws of motion to objects. Perhaps you wanted to create a ball with a major knockback. Well, you can code that to be so!
I also learned about other tools such as "invokerepeating" and "Instantiate." Useful tools like these help you to create multiple instances of an object at timed intervals. Terms such as "if" and "return" don't actually cause anything, but they really important. Return can be used to give you a numerical value from a code. And "if" is a conditional statement that tells the code when to do something. There also was some tools I researched outside of the junior programmer course that are interesting. I have not been able to use them properly yet, but I have an understanding of how they work. Functions can be used to mimic the data of real-life math functions. There is a tool called Math.f pingpong that return a value between a number and 0. It similar to a sine graph function. The cool thing about this tool is that you can use it to make objects move back and forth! There are a lot of tools like this, and the more you code, is the more tools you will learn.
Of course there were some skills that I already knew. For instance, how to make a variable and when to use "start" vs "update." It was still useful to continue to use and sharpen these skills. The junior programmer two course was long and sometimes a bit frustrating. Despite this, it was worthwhile and I took a lot from it.
-My experience is Junior Programmer 2