So for the 2020-2021 school year, I will be a sophomore. I will be completing the first quarter online. As for digital arts, there are some pros and cons to having online school. So as far as I know I will be spending the second year of digital arts expanding and improving my skills in 3D modeling. I don't know if there will be more than that but I am excited to learn more about 3D modeling. As it stands right now I am a beginner in 3D modeling. Hopefully, by the end of this year, I will be good enough to make a model that looks like the ones I see in my video games.
Like I mentioned before, there is going to be online schooling for the first quarter. I am curious to see what software will I use to work on 3D modeling. My personal computer does not have a compatible system with AutoDesk 3Ds Max and my school computer is also not compatible. I don't know exactly what I will do however I do know that my teacher is always prepared so he will have something up his sleeve. Besides the one concern, I mention before I am excited to start my second year is a digital design. Since we are doing online schooling for the first quarter I will be using this to my advantage. Staying at home mean I can get more time to work on my artwork. I will use this extra time to make my art the absolute best. I know the class is going to have a lot of work and it will be difficult, but to me, that is something that you will have to deal with at some point or another. The class has hard work, but I love being challenged and I love learning new things every single day. One of the things I look forward to the most is creating new art. I was looking back at some of my artwork from the past year and I was so proud to see how far I have come. I can't wait to have this same feeling again once I complete this year's digital design class. It is a week until school starts and although I feel sad that my summer didn't go as planned, I am excited to hit the ground running with my digital design class this school year.
-How I feel about the upcoming digital design class