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Stop! It's Apex Time!

Adrien J.

So today's post is unlike my other post. Today I will be creating my first game review on the game apex legends. So for those of you who don't anything about this game, Apex legends is an online multiplayer battle royale game. Player can play multiple matches with people all around the world. The matches typically last 10 to 15 minutes allowing a player to complete several matches within an hour. Although Apex legends has several unique traits, the one thing the sets Apex Legends apart from other battle royale games is the individual characters each with their unique abilities.

When I play this game my level of enjoyment varies depending on the match. Overall I would say this game is fun to play however one thing you must consider is that is is multiplayer. other people around the world are playing by your side and sometime that can make bad decisions that affect your game-play. I do like the multiplayer factor though because it give the game a level of unpredictability. As I mentioned before players can play multiple matches. the goal of each match is to be the last one standing. I find that it is worth playing multiple games because each game entails different game-plays. One of the greatest things about this game is it is free for download on your console store so it is definitely worth it. I would recommend this game to players who can come up with their own unique strategies to win the and to players love games that don't necessarily follow a pattern.


This game does not have a story mode or anything like that however there are mini-story player can do. Players complete the objective or collect an treasure pack and the are able to unlock chapter of the story. The story has little to do with game-play so if you are interested in games who tell a story as you play, Apex legends is not for you.

Since this Apex Legends is multiplayer game-play can vary. At the beginning of each map you choose a character, then you get dropped off in a relatively large map to find loot and survive. Since there are players of all different skill levels, battles can be very easy or very hard. There is a mode that can match you to players of similar level. The different characters, weapons, and map locations can lead to various game-plays but it is not too much that is overwhelming. Some skills I recommend for this game is aiming/shooting as well as learning your characters abilities and when to appropriately use them. When you learn your character, as well as favorite weapons and locations, game-play can become really fun.

When you have a strong internet signal visual and audio effect are clean and well recognizable. Animation is usually clean. You will find bugs sometimes however it is not often. Graphic can vary depending on signal and system but for the most part you can easily recognize object. I find that very minute details are left out sometimes however considering the size of the map, I can't complain. The environment graphic are also clean and there is usually appropriate lighting and shadows. Character have a considerable amount of detail compared to the environment and objects. Audio is also a well developed element in this game. There are several sound effect for different action. If you shoot, if you heal, if you use an ability there is a sound. Another interesting thing about the audio is that id you wish to communicate to your team without a mic, there are a list of commands that you can use to make you character talk. Music is present before and between games. You can earn different types of music. Overall the music is good but does not stand out.

Another thing I like about Apex Legends is that there is a mode where you can learn the basic controls to play. Controls for the most part are easy to learn and they can even be altered in the setting menu. You cannot completely change controls but you can change sensitivities. You can also change the visual and audio elements in the settings menu. Lastly there are accessibility options located in the settings menu.

There are a considerable amount of bugs within this game but it is not enough to change game-play dramatically. There are always updates that corrects bugs player might run into. Rarely does the game crash for me however I do know some consoles crash more than others.If the game does crash during a game, you can resume the game once you login in if you are still alive in the game.

I will give this game 5 stars for a few reasons. The first is considering it's free, it is definitely a worth it. To be clear I am not giving this game 5 stars because it is free, but because it has an exciting game-play that should be expensive to buy but is actually free. Another reason I am giving this game a 5-star rating is because despite bugs and crashes, there is always something that is being done to fix them. The last reason for my high review is that each one of my games that I play always has a different outcome. I am a person who likes change and this game clearly show that.


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