My computer was updated a few weeks ago. Now I have access to photoshop 2022. I decided to research a bit to figure which features were new to photoshop. I came across this adobe session that explain some cool things. There were several features that were discussed in the session, however two of them stood out to me. The first was new and improved selection tools. In the past, in order to select a subject, you would have to make an auto select, or manually select yourself. Most of the time auto select worked fine for my photoshop projects, however there were times the auto select did not get the job done. It was frustrating because I had to go back and do it manually, but it was not too big of a problem. With the new update, the selection issue has been addressed. Not only are auto selection better, but you can preview what the computer has deemed as a subject before selecting it. This is a huge time safer because you can 1) preview selection and 2) auto select a singular object or multiple objects. Another feature I just found out about is neural filters. There are several of these filter and some have been active before the update, however I never knew about them until now. I wont go into much detail about all the filters, but I do want to point out the landscape mixer. I love this filter. It is so cool. You can take a landscape, and change it into a different landscape using AI alone. You can also change the season of the landscape. If I had a beach scene in the summer, I can use the landscape mixer to change the beach scene to a mountain scene in the winter. It's a cool feature, however I'm not sure If would use this one as much as the selection tool upgrades. Needless to say this program taught me some interesting features; some of which I plan to use as soon as I can.
-New photoshop features