YES, YES, YESSSS! You might be wondering why I am so excited. It is because we have started a new unit and its called lighting. Now this entire year I have been trying to use lights, but each time I tried I got confused and gave up. My first lighting assignment that I did for this unit helped me to understand all about the types of lights. There is photometric, standard and arnold lights. Arnold lights can only be used with the arnold renderer. Standard lights are less realistic but has more parameter options. Photometric is more realistic with fewer editing options. Now that we got that covered, I will explain the type of standard lights, and at the end I will reveal my favorite light. Starting off we have the omni light, which I like to think of as a ball of light. Light come from one single point and illuminates in all directions. Next up is the direction light. Directional light is light that has no specific source and shines in one direction. Since I explained directional lights I will go ahead and mention skylights which are basically direction lights shining downward like, well...a skylight. The last light is the spotlight which is exactly what is sounds like. Directional lights and spotlights have a target option which basically gives the light a target, so that wherever you move the light, it will always shine on the target. Each light has intensity options, shadows options, etc. Something important to note is that your lights have a relationship with the atmosphere. If something is not quite right, play around with your atmosphere settings, at you might just fix your problem. Now the moment you all have been waiting for: my favorite light. That title has to go to the spotlight for reasons. Number one being I work in tech theater so I am familiar with real spotlights. Number 2 is that I just love working with spotlights. I know the second reason isn't really a reason but I just love spotlights. Anyways that's all I have for you today and I can't wait till next time.
-Intro to lights
-Standard Lights